New video coming soon

Hey Crystalheads

Our new video for the song #HELLVETIA will be released next week. Are you as excited as we are? The video will probably surprise you, maybe even irritate you, because it’s a little different than what you’re used to get from Crystal Ball.

Of course there is a band performance with great scenes, but also a story. Namley the lyrics, fused with an upcoming movie that will hit the theaters in 2021. We’re really happy and proud about the collaboration with the director and the possibilty to promote that movie. Therefore we used scenes from the trailer of that movie in our musicvideo, which may be disturbing on it’s own. BUT – this movie is a persiflage,. an action adventure horror comedy. So don’t take it too seriously.

Look forward to the video and let us know what you think ! We’re excited to hear it.

Best regards
Scott, Marcel, Cris, Steven und Tony.

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